E-learnings (Univ. level) in Landscape Ecology: challenges for our discipline

Authors and Affiliations: 

Felix Kienast, Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL, Birmensdorf, Switzerland

Gregor Martius, Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL, Birmensdorf, Switzerland

Corresponding author: 
Felix Kienast

Landscape Ecology is an interdisciplinary science and a topic that requires a lot of outdoor and on-site training. Is this compatible with e-learnings that emphasize computer tools and virtual environments? In an E-learning the we recently developed at ETH Zurich and WSL we tried to "capture" important landscape-related contents. The paper gives an overview of the covered topics, and innovative ideas on how landscape-related activities can be embedded in a e-learning environment, e.g.:

  • Interactive tools: We strive for a very high degree of interactivity. Immediate and formative feedback creates a dialogue-like experience for the student. Diverse web tools are used to allow students to upload a picture of a local landscape or post their analysis according to the specific task and comment on peer contributions.
  • Communication: students are frequently challenged to make a scientific argument and support it with appropriate evidence. Communication skills are strengthened in an peer setting.
  • Videos: Videos are used to grant students access to leading experts, who present their laboratories or research sites and to take students on virtual field trips to illustrate concepts and theories

We also present student feedback and give an outlook to the planned MOOC, which includes world-wide case studies.



Oral or poster: 
Oral presentation